What to Do After Keyword Research: 9 Easy Steps

Reading Time: 4 mins 59 sec

In this article, we will discuss what to do after keyword research.

In brief,

  • Step 1: Understand Your Audience
  • Step 2: Analyze and refine your keyword list
  • Step 3: Organize your keywords into topic-related lists
  • Step 4: Create High-Quality, Easy-to-Understand Content
  • Step 6: Prioritize your keywords
  • Step 7: Promote Your Content
  • Step 8: Analyze the content that is already ranking for your keywords
  • Step 9: Track your performance for your target keywords
What To Do After Keyword Research

So, you’ve done your keyword research – great work! But now you might be wondering, what’s next? 

How do you turn those keywords into compelling content that not only engages your audience but also boosts your search engine rankings? 

Well, you’re in the right place! 

In this article, we’re breaking down the process into nine easy-to-follow steps that anyone, regardless of their newbie or expert, can understand and implement.

So let’s get started

Read This: Power Of Keywords In Titles

What is keyword research?

Let’s say you are planning a cross-country road trip.

You wouldn’t get in your car and drive about wildly, would you?

You’d look up the greatest routes, best-kept secrets, and must-visit locations.

Similar to a map, keyword research is necessary for your web content!

Finding out what people are searching for online is known as keyword research.

It’s similar to listening in on their talks—don’t worry, it’s legal—and learning about their problems, issues, and areas of interest.

Why is keyword research important?

Imagine this: it’s like sending a lovely letter to the incorrect address if you write wonderful content that no one ever views because you targeted the wrong keywords.

You may reach the proper audience—those who are actively looking for what you have to offer—by conducting keyword research.

It’s the secret to increasing website traffic, attracting new clients, and establishing a strong online presence!

Therefore, keyword research is more than simply dry SEO; it’s about knowing your audience and communicating with them in their language.

It serves as a foundation for producing content that connects, attracts, and converts!

Are you prepared to go further and learn the 9 simple steps you should take after conducting your keyword research?

Get comfortable—your online journey is ready to begin!

What To Do After Keyword Research: 9 East Steps

Step 1: Understand Your Audience

What to Do After Keyword Research

Understanding your audience is the foundation of creating content that ranks. 

Start by knowing your audience’s demographics: their age, gender, and location. 

Dive deeper into their psychographics: their personality traits, values, and attitudes. 

Understand their behaviors, such as their interests, hobbies, and online habits.

To pinpoint your audience’s pain points, conduct surveys, and explore online forums, social media groups, and Q&A sites

Identify their common problems and issues. 

Once you have this information, address these issues directly in your content, offering solutions rather than just highlighting problems. 

Remember, relatability and well-researched content are key here.

Step 2: Analyze and refine your keyword list

What to Do After Keyword Research

After understanding your audience, you have to analyze and refine it to determine which ones are most relevant for your audience. 

When examining your keywords, keep the following points in mind:

Search volume: The quantity of times a keyword is searched for in a specific amount of time is known as search volume. High search volume keywords are what you should aim for, but not so high that there is too much competition.

Competition: The level of difficulty related to the ranking for a particular keyword. Selecting keywords for which you have a good potential for ranking is important. To find out how much competition there is for the keywords you choose, use a keyword research tool.

Relevance: The keyword must be relevant to both your website’s content and your business. Avoid focusing on keywords that have no impact on the audience you are targeting.

Read This: How To Target Keywords With Blog Posts & Get Maximum Traffic!

Step 3: Organize your keywords into topic-related lists

After your list of keywords has been narrowed down, you should list the keywords according to topics. 

This will help you to identify which keywords are most crucial for your website and develop a content strategy that revolves around those keywords.

For example, if you run a dog training website, you may have a keyword list with the following terms in it:

  • dog training
  • puppy training
  • obedience training
  • behavior modification
  • Dog tricks

After that, you might arrange these keywords into the topic-related lists that follow:

  • Basic dog training
  • Advanced dog training
  • Puppy training
  • Dog behavior problems
  • Dog tricks

Step 4: Create High-Quality, Easy-to-Understand Content

What to Do After Keyword Research

Now that you understand your audience, it’s time to create content that speaks to them. 

Pay attention to your brand’s USP, or unique selling proposition, which is what makes it unique. 

Don’t use complicated or jargon terminology; instead, express clearly and simply. 

Break up your content with subheadings, bullet points, and engaging visuals like images and videos. 

Craft attention-grabbing headlines, offer valuable insights, and end with a call to action (CTA) encouraging further engagement.

Read This: How To Find High Volume Low Competition Keywords:

Step 5: Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

What to Do After Keyword Research

Optimizing your content for search engines ensures it ranks well and attracts more traffic. 

Use your target keywords naturally within your content, including headlines and subheadings. 

Incorporate related phrases and synonyms to avoid repetition. 

Utilize internal and external links, appropriate header tags, and accurate meta descriptions

Ensure your website is easy to navigate and loads quickly, enhancing user experience.

Step 6: Prioritize your keywords

What to Do After Keyword Research

Not every keyword has the same meaning. 

For your business, some keywords will be more important than others. 

Arrange your keywords according to search traffic, competition, and importance to the goals of your business.

For example, you might want to give terms with less competition and search volume importance if the business is new. 

You might begin focusing on keywords with a bigger search volume as the business grows.

Step 7: Promote Your Content

What to Do After Keyword Research

Promotion is key to getting your content seen. 

Make use of social media channels that match the audience you are targeting. 

Craft compelling headlines and captions, and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. 

Reach out to influencers in your niche, ensuring your values align. 

Personalize your outreach and offer incentives for them to share your content.

Read This: How To Dominate SERPs Focusing On Topics Instead Of Keywords

Step 8: Analyze the content that is already ranking for your keywords

Following your keyword-setting priorities, you should examine the content that is currently ranking for those keywords. 

This can help you to identify the type of content that is most effective for your target keywords.

An analysis of the content that is ranking for your target keywords can be done with an SEO tool

You can get details from these tools regarding the headers, body text, meta descriptions, and title tags of the pages that rank well.

Step 9: Track your performance for your target keywords

What to Do After Keyword Research

In the end, you need to track your ranking for the keywords you want to target.

This can help you determine where you can make improvements and see how your content is ranking.

To track your performance for your target keywords, you can make use of a keyword-tracking tool. 

You can get information from these tools on traffic, rankings, and other aspects.

Read This: What Is Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords (LSI)


In this article, we will discuss what to do after keyword research.

The process of converting keyword research into engaging content involves understanding your target audience, producing excellent, clear content, properly optimizing it for search engines, and promoting it. 

By taking these actions, you’ll boost your search engine results and increase online visibility in addition to engaging your audience. 

Happy content creation!

Read Also


How do you proceed with keyword research?

List a few general topics that are related to your niche. 
Add a list of words or phrases that you believe your target audience uses for each problem.
Look up similar search keywords.
Analyze the power of your keywords.
Find out where you rank in the industry you work in.
Check for the purpose of the search.

What are the 5 steps to be followed during keyword research?

Listen to your customers. Hopefully, you’re doing this step already! …
Pay attention to your clients. Most likely already completed this step! ..
Use a search engine to enter their queries.
Examine the level of competitiveness and popularity for certain keywords.
Put keywords on your website first.
Monitor your results.

What is the last step of the keyword research cycle?

The last step is to monitor the results as they come in and adjust and re-optimize the content to maximize its relevance to the target audience in light of your findings. Whichever tool you’re using, if you want to be successful with SEO, you still need to follow this keyword research technique.

Is keyword research still important?

Even now, using keywords is crucial to growing your company. They improve your traffic and search engine ranking, which might help you attract more clients. Because it serves as the basis for all other SEO strategy components, keyword research is essential.

Sunny Grewal

With more than five years of experience, Sunny Grewal is a genius at SEO. They have been helping businesses in managing the continually changing field of search engines since 2019. Sunny Grewal is serious about optimizing websites for search engines and likes to share their SEO knowledge through clear and useful articles.

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