How To Find High Volume Low Competition Keywords for Free

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In this amazing article, we are discussing how to find high volume low competition keywords for free.

How To Find High Volume Low Competition Keywords

In brief, 

You can use these tools to find keywords like low competition and high volume:

  • 1. Answer the Public
  • 2. Keyword Tool Dominator
  • 3. Google Auto-Suggest
  • 4. Google Keyword Planner
  • 5. Soovle
  • 6. Google-related keywords search
  • 7. Ubersuggest
  • 8. Discover new keywords
  • 9. Consult Google Trends
  • 10. Quora
  • 11. Google Autocomplete
  • 12. Use Reddit
  • 13. Use Google Search Console
  • 14. Watch your competitors

But you dive into detail following the article till the end.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is focused on the findings of keyword research

The right keywords can boost your website’s search engine position, increase website traffic, and increase your company’s brand value. 

However, finding the right keywords can be challenging, especially on a tight budget. 

So in this article, we’ll share some tips and strategies for finding free high-volume, low-competition keywords.

So let’s get started 

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But first, understand some important metrics which you know at the beginning of keyword research

Understanding Keyword Metrics

Before finding high-volume, low-competition keywords one must understand the keywords-related metrics.

You should be aware of the following important metrics:

Search Volume

In search engines such as Google, the term “search volume” refers to the total number of searches performed during a specific time period. There may be seasonal, regional, and thematic variations in the estimated number of search queries.

Keyword Difficulty

A metric called “keyword difficulty” estimates the amount of work required to rank your content on the first page of Google or any other search engine for a particular keyword. In other words, it will take a lot of effort and time on your part to see results from a difficult keyword.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

This is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you’re using Enhanced CPC or bid adjustment settings). Usually, You will be charged this amount on click, but you will often pay less — sometimes much less — for your order.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions in advertising campaigns. To find out CTR divides the total number of clicks by the total number of impressions as the rate is used in CTR and wherever the rate is used it means the percentage being requested is given, and the result is multiplied by 100. The formula – can be used to determine the CTR.

CTR = (Total Click/Total impression)*100

If you satisfy these terms, so dive into the next part of our article.

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How to Find High Volume Low Competition Keywords for Free

Now that we’re familiar with keywords-related metrics, let’s explore how to find free high-volume, low-competition keywords: 

1. Answer The Public 

It provides specific suggestions and recommended keyword research from Google and Bing. It also displays keywords that are related to the keywords you searched for.

2. Keyword Tool Dominator 

It helps you to find keywords for any industry. Your primary keyword should be entered. From there all you have to do is choose the best keywords.

3. Google Auto-Suggest 

Type your primary keyword into Google. You will see search terms related to the keyword.

4. Google Keyword Planner 

The top free keyword research tool was created by Google and is called Google Keyword Planner. You can use it for any type of keyword research, including long-tail keyword research. Using this Google tool, you can learn about keyword competition, monthly searches, CPC, and many more.

5. Soovle 

This is another popular tool that helps in finding long-tail keywords.

6. Google-related keywords search 

This technique may also be useful to you if you are looking for a free long-tail keyword tool. After the search result in Google, you can see some Long-Tail Keywords. You can include these in your article as long-tail keywords.

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7. Ubersuggest 

One of the best and most famous keyword research tools from Neil Patel. You can quickly create engaging blog posts with the help of this tool, which is also easy to use. Google Chrome extension is another way to use it.

8. Discover New Keywords 

With the help of this tool, you can do keyword research to find customers for your goods or services. Get Search Volume & Forecast – This tool allows you to view historical metrics like search volume before signing up. You can also see how you will perform in the future.

9. Google Trends

Using Google Trends, a free tool, you can see the growth in the popularity of a keyword. This can help you determine popular keywords and trends. Enter your main keyword, and Google Trends will show you the historical popularity of the keyword.

10. Quora

The question-and-answer website Quora is a great place to find keyword ideas. Entering your primary keyword will prompt Quora to display frequently asked questions on that topic. These queries may not have crossed your mind before, but they can help you find long-form keywords.

11. Google Autocomplete

Google Autocomplete is a useful tool for finding long-tail keywords. It suggests search terms, based on previous user searches. After you’ve typed in your main keyword, Google will show you a list of related terms.

12. Use Reddit

Reddit, a social news and discussion forum, is a great resource for finding keyword ideas. If you type your main keyword, Reddit will show you relevant discussions related to it. Using these discussions, you can find long tail keywords and phrases.

13. Use Google Search Console

You can track your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) progress by using Google Search Console, a free tool provided by Google. Using this, keywords with High Volume, Low Competition can also be found. You can view a list of keywords your website is ranking for by logging into your account, selecting “Find Traffic” and then “Find Analytics.” Look for keywords that generate a lot of impressions but few clicks as these can provide you with an opportunity to improve your content and move up the search engine results page.

14. Watch your competitors

Finding high-volume, low-competition keywords is easy when you research your competitors. Look at their content and the keywords they are ranking for. Use a tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs to learn what keywords your competitors are focusing on and how difficult it is to rank for those keywords. Look for any content gaps and take note of any irrelevant keywords. To improve your keyword ranking, you can take advantage of these gaps.

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In this article, we are discussing how to find high volume low competition keywords for free.

Finding high-volume, low-competition keywords can be difficult, but it is not impossible. 

Using the techniques described in this article, you can find keywords that are extremely relevant to your business and have the potential to generate a lot of traffic to your website. 

As you refine your keyword list to focus on keywords with maximum potential, be sure to consider user sentiment, research competitive keywords, and analyze your keyword list.

If you like this article please share and comment. 

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How to find low competition high traffic keywords for free?

To get keyword suggestions, you can use free keyword research tools such as:
Use the Google Ads Keyword Tool to find high-volume, low-competition keywords that your competitors haven’t yet found in your Google Ads campaigns.
Find wildly popular and specific keywords for your website with the Keyword Tool for Websites.

How do I find keywords with high search volume?

Checking Google Trends can help you understand related keyword volume. It will tell you the relative popularity of words over time based on the first two to four words you entered. If you have a Google AdWords account, you can view anticipated keyword query volume using Ads Planner.

Which type of keywords account for 70% of all search traffic?

Now we can see on that long-tail keywords account for about 70% of all search traffic. So these are keywords with low individual search volume but high total search traffic.

Sunny Grewal

With more than five years of experience, Sunny Grewal is a genius at SEO. They have been helping businesses in managing the continually changing field of search engines since 2019. Sunny Grewal is serious about optimizing websites for search engines and likes to share their SEO knowledge through clear and useful articles.

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