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Are we going to Understand what is contextual link building?
How many types of these are there?

Does it really a Google ranking factor?
Actually, we use them in our content, but we do not have the correct information.
When we use internal or external links in our content, we call them contextual links in simple language.
Here in our search engine optimization stray, these links play a very important role.
Because in this way our visitors easily navigate on other site and within a site.
If we use these links properly in our content, then our ranking is very high in any search engine.
But here we are not telling you just not by speaking, we will analyze it properly.
Whether it is really a ranking factor of Google or not.
So let get start
What is contextual link building?
A contextual link is a kind of deep link of any website content, because of this link, it is known about the webpage of any website that how unique and relevant it is.
Because of this, any search engine gets to know what is the relevancy factor on any page.
Such as which link is an internal link and which link is an external link.
You can’t get all the information through the URL page, that’s why we have to take help of them.
Contextual backlinks meaning
The simplest definition of contextual backlinks is any of our content outbound links and inbound links.
links are well optimized throughout our content.
Because of this any visitor can come and visit any one of our posts by staying on our own website or any other website sent post easily.
We can write this in different places, first of all in the blog, press release, article, and any such content which is available online in the return form.
Contextual link seo
It is because of the contextual link that the content of our website is easy to understand by the search engines.
Because of this, our website SEO also has a lot of chances to benefit.
When this link is available in our content, it is easy for many of our visitors to visit our other page or another page of any website.
Due to this, the performance of our website is good.
Is contextual link is a Google ranking factor
We have read and learned a lot about contextual links.
But can we gather such evidence that we can understand that it is really a ranking factor?
Google has clearly explained that if you use contextual links in your content.
It is a very good ranking signal due to which your website starts ranking on SERP.
There are many such factors who believe that you should always have high and low-quality links.
Due to this, you can see the content differently.
When any link is with relevant content, it has a very positive impact on the ranking of that content.
But if you have made such a link that is completely different from your content, then it create a negative impact on your website.
Even after taking so much time, it is not yet clear that contextual link is really a ranking factor.
For this, we have to investigate it more deeply.
The claim
A contextual link is an inbound link that occurs in your content and leads to relevant content.
When an article is connected to such a link, due to which our reader gets additional information, we call contextual link.
Because of this link, our readers and visitors get additional value and are not disturbed and distracted.
If you have made such links, due to which your user is getting confused and it does not have additional information.
Then we will call such links negative contextual links.
It should be natural with the content, due to which the reader gets some such clues and he wants to click on them.
And go to any of our other posts or pages and read our other content.
You should never make your link through anchor text, this confuses your readers.
You always have to make your links clickable and make them visible according to the surrounding text.
Any of these links point to the anchor text web page, but if it is inside any content then it proves to be irrelevant.
That’s why we cannot call them contextual links.
Contextual links can be counted in the “Google Ranking Factor”, and this is what we are trying to understand that like Google and other links.
Google also sees these links as a ranking factor and keeps its position high.
One of the biggest things is why Google always focuses so much on context.
When it comes to building links it can provide a great experience to its users.
When a user clicks on a context and link from any content.
Google wants that the content that it reaches should be content engaging as well as user-friendly with high quality.
If this does not happen, then the user will come back to the same page or maybe he can leave the website.
The negative effect of which can be seen on its ranking.
In today’s link building we should always link the URL in our content that that content is similar to our main content.
We should never link any irrelevant content with our content.
It has a wrong effect on our website as well as on the search engine.
Apart from this, you should also keep this thing in mind while creating the link, do you not have to create a link anywhere on your content.
As far as possible, make a link in the body of your content, avoid making links in its main headings.
When you create a link, always keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity.
And whatever link you have created should be of high quality, along it should be in such a place where it is making some sense.
If you create a high-quality contextual link, many will dominate the low-quality link.
That’s why many experts believe that we should make contextual links in our content.
If Google looks at the quality of the link, no matter what the content is written.
This clearly means that the Google crawler is able to read and understand the web page and other URLs of your website.
Is there any evidence with the help of which we can say that they are really ranking factors?
If we really need clues as to whether contextual links are a ranking factor.
They were found in 2012 when the Penguin algorithm was updated.
Due to this update of Google, the website ranking was only because of the link.
The more the links of your website, the more is the authority of your website.
At that time any website was easily ranked if it had maintained and created a lot of links.
Whether it is a link contextual or arbitrary, it does not matter.
With the arrival of this update, a lot of website owners started doing this, who had a lot of links.
But there were many new websites that started doing spammy link building.
Due to this Google not easily find out which links are genuine and which are spammy.
Because of this, the websites which are good and those who have worked hard to maintain good links
Those websites used to suffer a lot.
When Google was launching the Penguin update, its former search engineer Mate Cutt highlighted examples of spam links.
This example was the exact opposite of contextual link, which Cutt had said.

The contextual link, on the other hand, looks something like this as if we have linked another blog post by Google in some paragraphs.
If you are placing the link in your context, then you should keep these things in mind.
-Its placement should appear naturally in your content.
-The URL to which you are linking your content must be article relevant.
-Your reader and visitor should know very clearly where I am going to go if I click on this contextual link.
All the documentation that Google had told at the time of its Penguin update.
Which is the most powerful clue that the contextual link is the ranking factor.
Google has never said that contextual link is a ranking factor.
Because Google wants to know that if it says so, then many people will start making spammy links.
But he definitely recognizes these links as such the ranking factor.
In the final announcement of the Penguin update, Cutt said that Google will head on web pages that have created links organically.

Our decision

A contextual link is the ranking factor of Google, it has been proved above.
If a link is appearing separately in any content, then it points to the end-related content.
But it does not happen every time that a link without any content puts a negative impact on the site.
External links are mostly controlled by other website owners.
If a website is linked with your website but its content is not matching with that, then Google ignores such link.
On the other hand, Google understands the pattern of unnatural links.
Then it starts affecting the ranking of that website.
If you have done link building on your website inadvertently before.
Then you must use the disavow tool for this.
Contextual internal linking
Contextual internal links are mostly in the main body of our content.
From this link, you can go to the relevant page, which we call the contextual internal links.
Because of this, the chances of boosting your website’s search engine ranking greatly increase.
Types of contextual links
There are 3 types of contextual links.
-Reciprocal Link
-External Link
-Internal Link
Reciprocal Link
Other websites approach you for such links.
And want your website to put that link in its own content.
Due to this link, traffic can increase on their website and traffic can also come to your website.
External Link
We also know this link as an “outgoing link”.
This is a link that is in your content but it takes your visitor to another website.
This means that when your content is attached with some outside website content, we call it an external link.
Internal Link
We also know this link as an “internal link”.
This is such a link that is in your content and pointing toward your own website pages or blog post.
This means that when your content is linked with the other blog and pages of your website, it is called an internal link.
Navigational links vs contextual links
Navigational Links:
We know the navigational link by the <nav> tag. But the point to be noted here is that not every document comes under the category of navigational link.
Navigational links use the <nav> tag element for major blocks.
From the very common type of navigational link, which will be discussed here with you.
- – Dropdown navigational menu.
- – Vertical sidebar navigational menu
- – Footer navigational menu
- – Hamburger navigational menu
- – Horizontal navigational menu
Contextual Links:
The same if we talk about Contextual links, it is like a deep link in the page content of our website, due to this part of the content, the pages of our website are able to bring relevant and uniqueness,
Contextual links example
Contextual link If you do not try the time through the example, then for example:
Suppose that you have written an article on social media marketing trends, you have found another article somewhere else in which it is written digital marketing trends.
In which a paragraph for the section social media is also about marketing trends, so those sections and paragraphs can be the perfect contact shivling for that article on your article.
Contextual link building service
Contextual links are such links which are text links in our paragraph, the idea and paragraph is understood from the contact.
Contextual links building a search engine optimization strategy that allows us to generate links to our website along with the next vent content, allowing us to engage the audio that comes on our website.
Contextual backlinks list
Here I am telling you such ways, due to which you can easily create contextual backlinks.
- – Niched Authority Links
- – Broken Backlinks
- – Guest Post
We will find out what is contextual link building?
What are their benefits and are they really a ranking factor for Google?
It is known only after coming that it really plays the most important role for Google or any search engine to get its rank.
That’s why we must use internal or external links properly in our content.
It is used in your content so that our ranking can be boosted.
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You can also read my other article.
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- What Is PPC In Advertising
- What Is SEO Meaning
- 11 Tips How To Optimize For Google’s Featured Snippets
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- How To Make Contextual Links In English
- Contextual Links Drupal
- Anchor Text Links
What is contextual link building?
A contextual link is a kind of deep link of any website content, because of this link, it is known about the webpage of any website and how unique and relevant it is.
Because of this, any search engine gets to know what is the relevancy factor on any page.
What does contextual link mean?
It is because of the contextual link that the content of our website is easy to understand by search engines.
Because of this, our website SEO also has a lot of chances to benefit.
What is a contextual backlink?
The simplest definition of contextual backlinks is any of our content outbound links and inbound links.
links are well optimized throughout our content.
How do you add a contextual link?
Steps that you can follow to add a contextual link
-Drag your keyword attribute
-Click on add a link
–Enter text
-Choose destination URL
-Click the drop-down arrow
-Enter and add URL
-Click the test link
-Click to apply
What are the benefits of contextual linking?
Contextual links have many benefits such as:
Due to this, the brand awareness and content awareness of your website increases.
Due to this the bounce rate of your website decreases.
Because of this, the SEO score of your website is better.
What is contextual internal linking?
Contextual internal links How are these links that we put in the main body of our content. If you do not try the time through the example, then e-commerce store websites- etc, use links.